Starting the game
Learn how to set up a new game and how each player starts the game.
Object of the game
Score the most points! You score points in the following three ways.
Claiming routes
When you claim the spaces on the board using shape cards from your hand, you earn points. See Claiming a Route for more info.
Completing tickets
When you claim routes that connect the cities on one of your tickets, you receive the number of points on that ticket. Incomplete tickets at the end of the game are subtracted from your score.
Longest Route bonus
At the end of the game, the player with the longest path of connecting routes receives 10 bonus points.
Game area
Your player mat
In the bottom right of your screen are your shape cards and tickets. When you want to play cards, do it from here. When you hover over your tickets, the cities you need to connect will be highlighted on the board.

Draw area
On the right are the shapes that you can pick from on your turn. You can also draw new tickets here as well.

In the bottom left, you can track everyone’s progress.